Book review - No One Gets Out Alive by Adam Nevill.

No One Gets Out AliveNo One Gets Out Alive by Adam Nevill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When a young woman rents an apartment at a very low cost, she soon finds out that there's a much bigger price to pay. Not only are her landlords disgusting characters of the worst sort, there's also ghostly sightings and sense of dread in her decrepit flat.
Adam Nevill very skillfully conveys the sense of utter helplessness and pure anxiety that comes from being flat broke and unable to escape (almost literally) the hole one's in. Add to that the supernatural element and this is one tense novel that just builds and builds until about two thirds of the way into the story and then we get a slow burn until the climax.
Nevill is an excellent writer and his character work really shines here, from the main character with her financial and emotional woes to the two antagonists who are human monsters almost as evil as the "capital E" Evil they serve. Recommended for all horror fans.

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