COMIC BOOK REVIEW - Detective Comics, Vol. 1: The Neighborhood

Batman: Detective Comics, Vol. 1: The NeighborhoodBatman: Detective Comics, Vol. 1: The Neighborhood by Mariko Tamaki
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just so we know where we are, this collects Detective Comics issues 1034-1039.
Batman investigates the murder of a socialite who's the daughter of Roland Worth one of the most powerful men in Gotham, a physical powerhouse equal to Batman and twice as ruthless. Gotham politics play a part as Mayor Nakano has it in for masked vigilantes and Batman is at the top of his gripe list. The plot gets weirder and weirder as the story introduces elements of horror that are strange even by Gotham standards.
The Huntress makes a welcome appearance and makes a good ally for Batman, especially since Bruce Wayne no longer has access to his fortune and is living like a regular Joe. There's plenty of action, Gotham crime and cool Batman moments to keep the reader interested throughout, even though the storyline doesn't conclude with Vol. 1.
A special mention goes to the artwork which is stellar, full of dynamism with very creative compositional choices. Batman, Huntress and Gotham itself look fantastic but the antagonist Roland Worth is portrayed as almost Hulk-like as if he was ten feet tall, this almost cartoony approach kind of takes me out of the story but it's a minor gripe. The horror elements are drawn very well and fit the story without jarring with the crime elements. Highly recommended.

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